Age of Conan leveling guide

I have never been one for power leveling in an MMO, but I do enjoy making progress, and knowing where to go to complete quests that are appropriate (and fun!) for my level.

Keep in mind that this is based on my limited experience as a level 38 Bear Shaman

Level 1-20:
It is all about Tortage for the first 20 levels. The single player awakening quest line is the most interesting IMHO and it also the quests that give the most experience points. So whenever you have awakening quests available, do them! I also did a lot of quests on White Sands, and killing Picts outside Tortage.

Level 20-25:
At this point I started out in Conarch Village, and I did a lot of quests moving farther and farther west. I started out killing wolves, and moved to Vanirs and boars.

Level 25-30:
I spent most of these levels in the Wild Lands of Zelata. I really like this area a lot. There are a TON of quests, and plenty of players to team up with.

Level 30:
You can now do another Awakening quest, mine started in Conarch Village

Level 30-34:
Start moving west in Conalls Valley. There are some very good quest lines killing Ymirish and another that takes place in the Fortress. These are hard, and require a team of 5-6 players.

Level 34-38:
Questing in the Wild Lands of Zelata and a lot of runs in the Sanctum of Burning Souls instance. The Sanctum gives great experience points, and nice loot for level 38-40.
I will probably stay in the Wild Lands of Zelata and Sanctum until level 40. After that I am not sure where to go, but there are plenty of places left for me to discover and explore in Hyboria.
(the picture above is my Bear Shaman Kacyn at level 38. Most of the gear is rare loot from Sanctum)